Don't Spend Your Savings! Have funds set aside for costs that are associated with buying a home - earnest money, appraisal fee, home inspections, closing costs and down payment. However, you need to keep money saved for other reasons. If you're going from being a renter to a homeowner, keep in mind ... » Learn More about What NOT to do When Buying a Home…Week #4
Real Estate
What NOT to do When Buying a Home…Week #3
Don't Close Credit Accounts! It may be tempting to transfer your balances to cards with lower interest rates and close the old accounts. However, that will have a negative effect on your credit score. Closing the accounts will affect your credit utilization and length of credit history. For ... » Learn More about What NOT to do When Buying a Home…Week #3
What NOT to do When You’re Buying a Home…Week #2
Don't Furnish the Home Before You Own It! It's understandable that you're excited and have daydreamed about the furniture you want for your new home. However, you shouldn't make big purchases during the home buying process. If a large debit appears in your checking or savings account, the lender ... » Learn More about What NOT to do When You’re Buying a Home…Week #2
What NOT to do When You’re Buying a Home…Week #1
Don't Apply for a New Credit Card! Applying for a new credit card will affect your credit score and your debt-to-income ratio. Your credit score and debt-to-income affect your interest rate and loan amount. The home you want may be $140,000 and you're hoping for an interest rate of 4.5%. However, ... » Learn More about What NOT to do When You’re Buying a Home…Week #1
Ready, Set, Sell: Checklist for Home Sellers
You want to sell your home in the shortest possible time for the highest possible price, right? Of course that is every seller’s goal and it’s your Realtor’s goal as well. So here are 7 quick fixes to help make that happen. Follow the 50% rule. Look at every flat surface in your house and take ... » Learn More about Ready, Set, Sell: Checklist for Home Sellers